About us

The Weatherby family originates from the town of Wetherby, located in West Yorkshire, England. Steeped in tradition, the Weatherby’s involvement in the horse industry spans four centuries. Their passion for horses sparked in Europe over three hundred years ago and continues to this day. January 2021 marked the beginning of a new tradition in this long line of equine heritage.

Albert Stanley “Stan” Weatherby III and his wife, Julie “CJ” Weatherby, began their own equine business here in the United States. A business that came about from their need to care for their personal horses, their desire to do that as naturally as possible, disappointment in the limited all-natural products available and their frustration with the results of those products. Determined to set a ‘standard’ for their horses, they deciding to create their own unique equine line using the power of nature. ‘Weatherby Equine’ was born!

The company strives to improve the health and wellness of horses as well as their human owners. Providing all-natural equine products and holistic services is just the beginning. They have their sights set on big plans to benefit their horse community and impact future generations. When asked ‘why’ they chose to share their family’s line of products in the beginning, they replied, “Because every horse and human deserves to look and feel like royalty!”

 Stan & CJ Weatherby III

Stan and CJ Weatherby are sponsors for the Friesian and Percheron breeds. They hold certifications in Holistic Equine Care, PEMF therapy, CESMT, (Equine Sports Massage Therapy), are members of the AOPP, FHANA, and HENC. Between them, they enjoy riding english and western, driving, hunt, medieval games, trail and obstacles, training their horses in liberty, bitless riding and teaching equine tricks, but no matter what they’re doing with their horses, strengthening their bond with them is always their ultimate goal!